Lovecraft's creation Shub-Niggurath (a name which possibly inspired Robert E.

In Marvel Comics, many of his creations were introduced (often as mere mentions, similarly to the style of the Cthulhu Mythos' cryptic name-droppings, while many subjects and storylines were inspired by his fiction, such as the Serpent-Men of Starkesboro (based on the Deep Ones of Insmouth), Magneto's island-base in the Bermuda Triangle and R'llyeh (among others inspired by R'lyeh), or Chthon (sometimes described as a stand-in for Cthulhu).ĭoctor Strange villain and lord of the Great Old Ones Shuma-Gorath is sometimes stated to have inspired by the Lovecraft creation H.P.

Lovecraft's work has laid the groundwork for many other characters and work of fiction.

Lovecraft's work has been adapted several times in various Marvel Comics projects, including one-shots in horror anthologiesduring the 70's, all written or edited by Roy Thomas, a limited-series of one-shots, Haunt of Horror: Lovecraft, written and penciled by Richard Corben, and looser adaptations fully integrated to the Marvel Universe. Hoffmann Price, Fritz Leiber, Donald Wandrei, among others. Other authors included Robert Bloch and Frank Belknap Long, and the list could be extended Henry Kuttner, C. Howard (who created Conan the Barbarian, Kull of Atlantis, Dark Agnes, Solomon Kane, and many other characters, some with more or less connection to what became the Mythos) and writer, poet and sculptor Clark Ashton Smith (who wrote the the Zothique Cycle, Averoigne, and the Hyperborean Cycle, among others). Aside from Derleth, who gathered the Mythos together after Lovecraft's death and produced many stories, most prominent were writer Robert E. Many of that " Lovecraft Circle" authors produced the basis of what became known as the Cthulhu Mythos. Lovecraft corresponded many writers (and often became friend with them, with or without meeting them in person), with which he exchanged ideas, suggestions and corrections for their respective stories. Lovecraft is most widely recognized for creating a pantheon of cosmic beings commonly known as the " Great Old Ones", and being the origin of the Cthulhu Mythos, though he never intended to do so, as stated by August Derleth (a fellow writer and correspondent of Lovecraft), who coined the name, structured the stories in that continuity, and greatly expanded it through his publishing activity as Arkham House, and by writing his own Cthulhu Mythos. The Lovecraft Circle and the Cthulhu Mythos Howard Phillips Lovecraft was an American author specializing in the genre of "weird fiction".