In the novel Fire Touched, it is stated that her mother and father were together for a 'couple months' prior to his death. Her father, Old Joe Coyote, was a rodeo bull rider, who died a few days after consummating his relationship with her mother, Margi.

In the novels, Mercy Thompson is the daughter of a Blackfeet father and a white teenage mother. The character also has a comic series by Dynamite which includes the prequel Homecoming, a comic adaptation of Moon Called, and an original story, Hopcross Jilly. The main series, which consists of several stories including Moon Called, the short story "Hollow", and the most recent, thirteen novel Soul Taken, is narrated primarily from Mercy's point of view. Mercedes "Mercy" Athena Thompson is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Mercy Thompson series, written by Patricia Briggs.

Adam Hauptman (husband, mate, and lover).