When the Great Patriotic War broke out in 1941, Grossman's mother was trapped in Berdichev by the invading German army, and eventually murdered together with 20,000 to 30,000 other Jews who did not evacuate Berdychiv.

Young Vasily Grossman idealistically supported the Russian Revolution of 1917. His father had social-democratic convictions and joined the Mensheviks. A Russian nanny turned his name Yossya into Russian Vasya (a diminutive of Vasily), which was accepted by the whole family. He became a war reporter for Born Iosif Solomonovich Grossman into an emancipated Jewish family, he did not receive a traditional Jewish education. Grossman was exempt from military service, but volunteered for the front, where he spent more than 1,000 days.

Born Iosif Solomonovich Grossman into an emancipated Jewish family, he did not receive a traditional Jewish education.