She would hold me by my chin and made me look in her eyes and say “ball.” At age 3, “ball” came out “bah,” said with great stress. My speech therapist knew how to intrude into my world. If I was placed in a slight stress situation, words would sometimes overcome the barrier and come out. If adults spoke directly to me I could understand everything they said, but I could not get my words out. Not being able to speak was utter frustration. Even abstract concepts such as getting along with other people are visualized through the use of door imagery. All my thinking is visual, like videos played in my imagination. My skill and deficit areas are covered in detail. In the last section of the chapter directing my fixations into constructive activities and a career will be discussed along with the importance of a mentor.

Antidepressant medication relieved the anxiety. At puberty, horrible anxiety “nerve” attacks started and they became worse with age. I built a squeezing machine which helped me to calm my nerves and to tolerate touching. Loud noise hurt my ears and I withdrew from touch to avoid over-whelming sensation.

My senses were oversensitive to loud noise and touch.

Two of the subjects covered in this chapter are the frustration of not being able to speak and sensory problems. Early intervention at age 2 1/2 helped me overcome my handicap. in Animal Science at the University of Illinois in Urbana and I am now an Assistant Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. I am a 44-year old autistic woman who has a successful international career designing livestock equipment. – the bearded gentleman to her immediate right. Temple, pictured here with ARI founder Bernard Rimland, Ph.D.